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VIDEO: Compensation Changes for Remote Workers – SMB Nation and Laplink

Watch as SMB Nation’s Harry Brelsford talks with Laplink’s Thomas Koll about compensation changes for remote workers.

Would you be willing to take a pay cut to continue to work from home after the pandemic? With many people working from home during the pandemic, the question has arisen on whether companies will allow workers to continue to work from home, and will companies reduce employees compensation if they choose to do so? With the seismic shift taking place in our world, many employees are contemplating working remotely permanently, but are also asking if it will be worth it. By working from home, employees can dramatically cut their costs, with reduced transportation cost, decreased day to day expenditures, potential tax breaks, and reduced wardrobe costs. Even with all the reduced cost to employees, the question is will it be worth it if the company reduces my compensation? Employees also should consider the effect of remote work on employee interaction and collaboration, along with job visibility and showing initiative, and how this may affect job promotions. Watch as Thomas and Harry chat about the future of work.

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