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SMB Nation’s Harry Brelsford Talks PC Migration in the Remote Work Era and More with Thomas Koll

PC Migration in the Remote Work Era

SMB Nation’s Harry Brelsford Talks PC Migration in the Remote Work Era and More with Thomas Koll.

Harry Brelsford, founder of SMB Nation (www.smbnation.com), recently sat down with Laplink CEO Thomas Koll for a video chat as part of SMB Nation’s popular “Hello World” series. During the virtual interview segment, which you can watch below, the two discuss the challenges involved with PC migration during a time when more people than ever before are working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remote work utilizing PCmover

Koll explains how Laplink’s latest solutions help companies with remote workforces overcome today’s PC migration challenges and how Laplink’s PCmover takes the complexity out of the process. He also provides insight into how Laplink supports the SMB reseller and IT community.

The discussion then touches on a number topics related to remote work. Watch the conversation below! Another conversation on the topic is planned for the near future, so follow the YouTube channel for updates.



SMB Nation

SMB Nation is a publishing and events company focused on sharing information about small and medium business (SMB) technology trends through its conferences, books, SMB PC magazine, online services, and world-wide seminars and workshops. They have a membership base of more than 40,000 followers worldwide from the SMB channel partner/reseller/consulting/VAR community.

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