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PCmover Saves Days of PC Setup

The other day I got some feedback about PCmover from David in Arizona that I wanted to share with everyone. It’s so great to hear from our customers and learn from them.

“I have been using PCmover for about 10 years. Migrating many systems from XP to Vista to Win 7 to Win 10. It always makes my work much less and as you learn how to use PCmover effectively it’s even more reliable.

I just used a copy of PCmover last week. After installing Windows 10 on the new computer I decided to set all my settings manually rather than transfer them. After my customization was done on the new PC I loaded PCmover on both machines Source and Target and used a [Laplink] USB cable (2.0) to do the transfer…I deselected moving my movies and music files as I restored those using an external drive I use for archiving. So I was basically transferring all my PROGRAMS (Over 100) and other files.

A little over an hour later DONE!!!!

I checked all the files and all the PROGRAMS….ALL of my files and PROGRAMS had been transferred and only one or two required to be reactivated.

That would have taken me at least a week to do working all day long.  Pretty good value for money…

The thing is…PCmover really is an awesome product. I hate it when I see people in review forums say it doesn’t work…I’ve been using PCmover for a long time and can definitely attest to it working and working very well. ”


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