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America Recycles Day: Why You Should Recycle Your E-Waste

All around the nation today people are taking the pledge to recycle in honor of America Recycles Day. Already, over 48,000 people have taken the pledge, with many businesses joining in on the cause. Our national recycling rate currently sits at 34.7% and avoids greenhouse gases that equal removing more than 34 million cars from the road each year. Together, people are pledging to increase that percentage to save energy, protect the environment, and create green jobs for millions of Americans. So, how can you join in?

America recycles

One of the hardest things to recycle is electronics. Why? Most people don’t know where, or how, to recycle their old PCs, laptops, phones, and more. Currently, only 12.5% of e-waste is recycled and 20 to 50 million metric tons of e-waste are disposed world-wide every year. E-waste holds a huge amount of lead, which not only causes damage to the environment, but can also injure humans by damaging nervous systems and the kidneys.

Here are a few quick facts on why you should join the pledge and recycle your electronics this holiday season:

  • The average American household has at least 24 electronic products according to the EPA, with many of these being replaced regularly.
  • E-waste is the fastest growing municipal waste stream in the US.
  • Recycling 1 million laptops saves energy equal to the electricity used by 3,657 US homes in one year.
  • For every 1 million cell phones that are recycled, 35,274 pounds of copper, 772 pounds of silver, 75 pounds of gold, and 33 pounds of palladium can be recovered.
  • Computer reuse creates 296 more jobs for every 10,000 tons of material disposed each year.
  • Many e-waste recycling programs donate old, usable cell phones to charities, like those dedicated to fighting domestic violence, protecting children’s safety, and advocating for environmental awareness.

Don’t know where to recycle your old gadgets? No problem. Visit Earth911 and search by gadget, category, and location to learn where your nearest recycling center is.

Laplink is also joining in on the festivities by offering a PC Recycling Kit for over 30% off for the rest of the month. Originally $90, this bundle includes PCmover Professional for easy migration to a new PC and SafeErase to thoroughly delete all of your personal data on your old PC. Laplink also sponsors a special PC donation program that refurbishes used PCs and delivers them to those in need. Consider donating your PC when you upgrade this holiday season and help someone find the perfect educational tool for Christmas.

Take the pledge to recycle today!

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