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The Power of the Internet is Expanding

The internet: it is impossible to ignore and nearly impossible to avoid. As our world becomes more interconnected, our standards for information access and data sharing are steadily rising. No one wants to wait for hours to download files, or to share them between computers – we need our information now. And that is why the CRS-3 caught my attention.

Cisco CRS-3
Cisco CRS-3 (Credit: Cisco Systems)

On March 9th, Cisco introduced the CRS-3, a next generation internet router. The new router offers 12 times the traffic capacity of its predecessors, while handling 322 terabits of traffic per second. Now, don’t confuse this router with the one sitting below your desk; this router will be sold to the world’s largest internet providers (AT&T, Verizon, Level3, just to name a few) and will benefit high-speed internet users around the globe.

Although the incorporation of this new technology will occur relatively soon, you probably won’t notice much of a difference – the improvement is not intended to boost the general internet. However, it will boost a growing necessity: video.

How many times have you suffered through slow buffering and poor picture quality on YouTube, Hulu or any other video site due to internet limitations? Enter the CRS-3. By increasing capacities for the nation’s core internet providers, the use of HDTV, video conferencing and even 3DTV, can now be offered to the mass market, aka you. Rumor has it that it will upload any movie ever made in as little as four minutes!

This opens a door of online opportunity to EVERYONE. We at Laplink will be able to apply this resource towards the development of new software products to provide you, the consumer, with cutting-edge programs to better your life and your business.

As a software company, this has gotten us excited, but what about you?  Does this excite you, and why?  What other technology has gotten you excited?  Go ahead, we want to know!

Link to initial story on Cnet:


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