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Top Problem With Windows 7 – Upgrading

IYogi, one of the largest on-demand technical support providers says that the number one complaint they receive relates to upgrading and deploying the new Windows 7 operating system.

“Most of the problems that customers have with Windows 7 have to do with installation, or application and data migration,” said Vishal Dhar, co-founder of iYogi told CNN. “These are all fixable problems, but they’re annoyances and they’re time consuming.”

Maybe the reason he’s so confident IYogi can fix those issues are because they use PCmover for online migration services. IYogi offers vary levels of migrations service including a free service. Check it out here. Their top level of service offers a full PCmover powered migration which includes transfer of files, settings, and applications.

Top 7 Windows 7 Complaints

Problems with installation


Missing applets of components


Aero theme is not running


DVD drive not found


Hidden extensions


Too many minidumps


Aero snap problems


For the most part though, Windows 7 has received far less criticism than previous operating systems and sales of the new operating system have been brisk thus far.

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