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PCmover Enterprise automates the entire PC and OS refresh process.

Hi! I'm Tom Coyle, Enterprise Solutions Architect here at Laplink. I do live demos of PCmover Enterprise and work with our clients to identify exactly what is required for any given PC migration scenario.

When I do a live demo of PCmover Enterprise, I provide a basic introduction of the product functionality (what we transfer) and how it works (how we can transfer the ones and zeroes from one PC to another). A demo is a great way to get a sense of what PCmover can do in a short period of time. (Did I pique your interest? Book a demo with me.)

In providing a demo, I do face a lack of time to cover everything that PCmover has to offer. In fact, to provide a full presentation of every single capability of PCmover Enterprise, I'd really need to do a 3-day seminar rather than a short 30-minute meeting. So, I do the work ahead of time to analyze your specific use cases and offer direct solutions to immediate needs, and we just skip the PCmover options that likely won't apply.

The downside of the time-saving approach is that there are a plethora of PCmover Enterprise capabilities that I rarely get to showcase, some of which may actually be useful to you! You might not think to ask about these capabilities, either, because no other PC migration solution on the planet offers them.

I’ll be posting regularly, highlighting some of the most useful features of PCmover Enterprise — the ones I don't include in a typical demo conversation. I'll also share new functionality in our latest quarterly PCmover Enterprise releases and roadmap items . I’ll highlight some specific (and more complex) use cases that we were able to handle with PCmover's granular configuration capability.

Sound exciting? It is! If you're facing an unusual PC migration situation — really anything beyond what we present in our boilerplate presentations — don’t be afraid to ask us about it! It's likely that we already can provide a solution for you.

And if we aren’t already set up to handle your migration scenario for some reason, it’s likely we can still accommodate it with a product enhancement from our full-time US-based development team. We like to think that we've covered all possible needs, but once or twice a year we get a unique request that we haven't considered before, which we turn into a new feature. So, your feedback is important to us! Please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime or schedule an on-demand Ask-The-Expert appointment with me to discuss your organization’s needs.

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