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Solution to the Windows Easy Transfer Problem: PCmover

Microsoft users upgrading to Windows 8.1 were in for a big shock when they opened their trusty Windows Easy Transfer tool.

Microsoft’s latest version of Windows has significantly reduced the usefulness of Easy Transfer. Previously, Microsoft allowed users to transfer files and settings directly from one Windows PC to another across a network or using an Easy Transfer Cable. Now, in Windows 8.1, users can only transfer data files using only external media, like an external hard drive or USB stick.

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It’s even worse if the old PC is running Windows XP. In that case, Microsoft will not allow Easy Transfer to be used at all.

PCmover is the best-selling migration solution and the only tool that allows users to migrate selected applications to their new PC, installed and ready-to-use. No need to find old CDs or serial numbers – and nothing is left behind by accident or removed from the old PC. Although Windows 8.1 no longer supports migrations using an Easy Transfer Cable, PCmover still does. Connectivity options supported by PCmover include an Easy Transfer Cable, Ethernet cable, or a wired/wireless network.

PCmover also includes Laplink’s revolutionary Free Transfer Assistance, provided by certified migration specialists at no additional cost. Laplink’s specialists are available to walk users through the entire process 24/7.

For a limited time, Laplink is offering PCmover Home for free to users who are moving from an old XP computer and want to setting up a new Windows 8.1 PC by moving all of their selected data, settings, and programs. PCmover Home includes application selectivity, folder selectivity, profile selectivity for logged on users, Free Transfer Assistance, and more.

For more information please visit www.laplink.com/PCmover-Windows-Easy-Transfer

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