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Living in a World of Multi-Screeners

You’re probably multi-tasking while you read this blog. Whether you’re reading on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, chances are you’re checking one of your other devices for an email, project update, text, or Facebook notification. The reason for this, according to a study done by Google, is that we’re rapidly becoming a world chock full of multi-screeners.

What exactly is a multi-screener? A multi-screener is someone who owns and is using more than one device at the same time. Do you play games on your tablet while you watch TV? You’re a multi-screener. Do you check your phone for texts while working on a project on your PC? You’re a multi-screener.

google survey

According to the study, 90% of all our media interactions are screen-based. These interactions are divided primarily between four different types of screens: smartphone, tablet, PC or laptop, and TV. While the study shows that each device has its own personal benefit (smartphone for communication, PC or laptop for work, TV and tablet for entertainment), it also shows that 90% of consumers use multiple devices sequentially to accomplish something over time. Maybe you take a cool photo on your smartphone and transfer it over to your tablet for some editing. When you’re done, you transfer it over to your PC to print it off on professional, glossy paper.

While using multiple devices has the obvious benefits of always being connected and being more productive for a longer period of time, it also has its downfalls. How do you keep your files in sync with each other across platforms? Those of us who like to focus on work know the headaches that come with working on a PC then hopping on a tablet to finish up an important report. Some people email the report to themselves, others take part in a complicated transfer process. Some utilize a cloud service like Dropbox, but fail to notice that many of these services claim ownership of their work as soon as it’s uploaded to the cloud.


So what’s an always-connected, always-productive person to do? That’s where Laplink Sync comes in. By using Laplink Sync, people can keep all of their music, photos, and files updated on the go. By offering more connectivity options, Laplink Sync gives users the option to keep their data safe and protected from the cloud with peer-to-peer connections. And for those who maybe aren’t too tech savvy, Laplink Sync comes with an abundance of tech support including a chat line, phone line, FAQ, and online tutorials.

How do you multi-screen on a daily basis? Let us know in the comments below.

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