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Comparison Series – PCmover vs. Windows Easy Transfer

We get tons of questions about how PCmover compares to other utilities out there and so we are starting a comparison series. The first in the series is PCmover vs. Windows Easy Transfer.

PCmove VS. Windows Easy Transfer

In comparison to PCmover Professional, Windows Easy Transfer (WET) provides an incomplete migration experience and does not transfer everything you need from your old PC.

WET is a migration utility that can be downloaded for XP and is available on Vista and Windows 7. With this tool, users can move limited types of files and settings stored on their computers. It provides an incomplete migration experience as it can only transfer certain Windows settings and data files.

PCmover is a complete and precise migration utility. It allows users to move entire applications, documents, settings, user profiles and folders. Through a step-by-step easy to use migration wizard, PCmover will automatically move your entire “PC personality” from one computer to another. PCmover will not affect the source computer and will only copy what the user wants from the source PC. If you forget to move something over, go back and undo the migration and bring over everything you want.

PCmover also has compatibility with all Windows based operating systems back to Windows 95. For example, PCmover provides an upgrade path from Windows XP to Windows 7. It can migrate from 32-bit operating systems to 64-bit operating systems.

Allowing PCmover to move all your applications documents, settings, user profiles and folders will save you time and money.

Features PCmover Professional Windows Easy Transfer
Migrates Applications Yes No
Migrates all PC user profiles at once Yes No
Migrates Settings Yes Yes (limited)
Multiple Connectivity Options Yes Yes
“Undo Migration” feature Yes No
Application Selectivity Yes No
Migrates files and data Yes Yes
Supports direct upgrade path from XP to Windows 7 (both in-place and PC-to-PC upgrades) Yes No

UPDATE (01/2014): With the release of Windows 8.1, Windows Easy Transfer now only transfers files and requires the user to manually transfer them using a USB or external hard drive. See the full update in our blog post here.

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