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Windows Vista Upgrade FAIL

PC World is reporting some users attempting to upgrade to Windows 7 from Windows Vista are getting stuck in an endless reboot loop.

According to one user post on Microsoft’s support forum the upgrade failed on the last step:

“All the promises of stability and simplicity, and now there are so many problems with installation,” said one forum user named “Derrty.” I can’t even access my laptop nor do I have the ability to roll my system back to Vista. All indications are the install removed any trace of Vista.”

Microsoft points users to a document on their support site. The article states, “When attempting to upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 7 the upgrade attempt may fail with the message ‘This version of Windows could not be installed, Your previous version of Windows has been restored, and you can continue to use it’ “However, the next reboot of the machine will launch the upgrade process again only to fail with the same message.”

If you’d like an easy way to upgrade to Windows 7, click here.

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